Welcome to Animal Jam World of Adventure! Hope you enjoy my blog and Check back daily for daily updates! Jam on Jammers!


Thursday, August 9, 2012


Hi Jammers!
I changed my username!
I'm not a member yet but I changed it to WolfFang57 cool right.
So now you can call me WF instead of SG but you can still call me SG if you want.But I think WolfFang was pretty cool what do you think?And anyways I'm not giving anyone my account it will be non member when my mom comes home from work.And I will also be a member when she gets back!All my friends add WolfFang57 spelled exactly like that.
I only have 8 friends and some of them I don't even know.Just to let you know if I don't know you,Then I will NOT except your friend request though the mail.
So yeah.I'm gonna be changing my blog up and I have to make a new header.... :(
But still I like my new username!I'm online right now so you can add me right now if you'd like.
Here's me!
This is what I would look like as a non member cause that's my non member file :P
So yeah here's my banner:
 Like it?Yeah I know.I'll change it though.
But I mean yay!
I was thinking about doing FoxFang57 but I liked WolfFang57 better.
Well thanks for reading!
We will start regularly tomorrow with the daily updates.
Bye Jammers!


  1. Wolftown57? What are you talking about?

  2. I said WolfFang57!
    Why would I try and steal your name like that if I said that than it might have been a typo because I say your user so many times...
