Hey Jammers!
The "Huge" update is here!
Yay the Giraffes are here!
Yahh the Giraffes are here!
Now you can color but you have to print them.
And I don't think that it's a good idea to remove the statues and the pictures,most jammers don't know about the crocs and Rhinos!
I did donate 100 gems...
also My idea was Golden Tamerins , also Golden Lion Tamerins.
Even though it was a bad choice because monkey's just left Jamaa.
Awesome a really cool Bunnies Party (Have not been there but you may know my bunny is one of my favorite animals I have a bunny in real life too :)
Awesome (As we know you get Phantom Invasion as a monthly gift)
new exclusive toys only in the one's that we got for membership!
(Want any go to my den)
Yes!A new journey book!
At coral canyons!
But I think this was a bad choice for now because that's the second most popular land.
I think Crystal Sands would be a better choice .
I really don't like how they give out the gift you get!!
I mean it's sub-posted to be a "Secret" gift,then why not keep it secret!
I'm almost finished!
I just need the fox/wolf/whatever it is!
Yes I will give you hits for it!
(Some other post)
All the dens an sale!!!!
When they first come out I HAVE to get it!!!
(I think that's how it's always gonna be)
Okay and the contest winner!
OMG I was gonna do this!!
But I made it on my computer at home so I couldn't send it in also my other idea was a rock entrance!
It was really cool!!
But I love this!!
Wow a Summer Carnival!?
(And it doesn't come out in summer it comes out right before we get out of school!)
Wow!! Another wow!!
(lots of stuff coming soon!)
Another animal for non-members!!??
Wow exiting what do you think will be the new non-member animal!?
And items like (Spikes,bubble trons,and more) have now got the rare plague on it!
Here's some examples:
This post on the Daily Explorer has been deleted.
I do not know why I checked it today and it was gone.
It talks about the Giraffes.
But if you look closely you can see a "floating tree" it has not stump.
I think that's funny. :)
There's also new shortcuts!
To the Sol Arcade and to Bradly Barr's Lab!!
All the upcoming events! :)
Oh the party is in 52 mins (Bunny party)
can someone of my authors cover that for me?
(I mean like post it for me!)
Well that's all for now!
Bye Jammers!!